Urbee home fragrance

Urbee home fragrance
How we help
Bee Walks between March - October for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust are done once a month around the Eltham parks and data is submitted. The aims of the scheme are "to collect abundance and distribution data on Britain’s bumblebees, and to use this data as widely as possible".

Autumn bulb planting with local groups and the council to help increase food supplies for spring emerging pollinators.

Organise engagement events with Conservation charities: Butterfly Conservation – ‘Big City Butterflies’ and
Buglife – 'Get London Buzzing'

UKBMS surveying (UK Butterfly Monitoring Survey) around the Eltham Parks - This is part of a wider initiative to boost local butterfly numbers, with support and guidance from Butterfly Conservation. Data is also collected from local Avery Hill Park by the Friends group, since meadow reseeding work took place in 2022.
Reseeding planned for Eltham Park North in 2023.

Eltham Park North is a beautiful, biodiverse site, surrounded by ancient woodland, but it needed a bit of a boost as the thick grass dominated many of the wildflowers.
With seed kindly donated from Butterfly Conservation (Big City Butterflies project) and the help of some local families we sowed sowed strips of a Yellow rattle/wildflower mix around the edges, walkways and some areas
in the middle.
This site is a part of the pollinator monitoring transect area for Beewalk and the UKBMS (UK Butterfly Monitoring Survey), of which we submit data to regularly throughout the year.
The majority of seeds sown were Yellow rattle, which flowers in late spring. It’s an annual wildflower that is semi-parasitic on grass, feeding off it and holding back growth, which in turn allows other wildflowers to thrive.
Bees love it too! It is also the food plant for the larvae of the rare Grass Rivulet moth.
Read more about Yellow rattle here.

Primary school talks - I can give a fun and interesting talk on bees to Reception - yr 2 children.
Please contact me on 07775556490 to discuss.